Sunday, December 28, 2008

The elder’s role in the renunciation of the lord subramanyar

The elder's role in the renunciation of the lord subramanyar


The wedding is in the story of lord subramanyar. In the same story is the renunciation. But strangely, the lord subramanyar became a renunciant before he got married! He embraced this renunciation prior to becoming a householder. First, renunciation, then he fought and killed the enemy with displaying his valour, after that only with the blessing of his elder brother he got married – indeed the story of the lord subramanyar is quite unusual.


The form he took upon renunciation is the 'dandaayutha pani'. I do not think there is any one who does not know the "story of fruit and palani'. Actually the dandam is not any weapon, but the bamboo stick that all renunciants keep. The weapon called danaayutha was that used by the spear he used as the c-i-c of the angels. The c-i-c of the goddess lalithambal is called dandini. In order to use such a power spear, he first held to the peace staff (santhi danda) that is used to control the mind, and stood on top of the hill as dandapani. Perhaps this bamboo staff may be weapon in the great war for us, to control the mind. For him, this is merely another decoration. He keeps it only to serve as a reminder for us.


He has the form of a supreme knowledge in a renunciant which no other deity has. Like this is there any other deity, who has in such a young age, shaved his head, and posed wearing a small loin cloth and holding a bamboo staff? He has none equal to him, in beauty, power, and position. Such a commander-in-chief of the angels in just 6 days when played these childlish pranks, became an renunciant, and got the title "gnana pandita swami" (the lord who is the embodiment of knowledge). Who is responsible for him to take such a form which got these praises – the lord vigneswarar only!


Because the lord vigneswarar went around the parents and got the fruit as the prize, the younger lord subramanyar who lost took renunciation.


The credit goes to the lord vigneswarar for turning lord subramanyar as the deity for supreme peace and knowledge in the world.


Afterwards, the mother and father went to console the lord subramanyar. All this is nothing but just drama, isn't it? Though with a mere loin cloth, he ceremoniously wore the armor and uniform and started as commander-in-chief. Nevertheless, to ensure that the form he took as an renunciant he left after charging the lifelike idol to always vibrate his hurry with which he sought mental peace, control of the senses, and knowledge.


The three event such as: lord subramanyar being born with the appointment as the c-i-c of the angels; he getting married to valli and posing as a couple bestowing auspiciousness, the lord becoming father for our sake, with the goddess mother; and the lord posing as the eternal embodiment of knowledge and detachment in palani—all have strong relationship with the lord vigneswarar.


Therefore, in order to announce that he is the elder brother to that lord subramanyar, a special name has been included in the 16 names, "skanda poorvajan".


Poorvajar means the one who was born first. But this name comes at the end of the 16 names. This also shows the fullness by combining the beginning and the end.



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